
ADILE online multiplier event: Developing accessible online learning platforms for people with intellectual disabilities

On 17 January 2024, EASPD organised and hosted an online multiplier event for the ADILE project on the topic of developing accessible online learning platforms for people with intellectual disabilities. This event was crucial in disseminating and promoting the project results the ADILE project, as well as bringing together a diverse group of relevant actors to discuss such platforms from various key perspectives. These perspectives included people with intellectual disabilities who co-design accessible online platforms, educators who specialise in teaching people with intellectual disabilities, European service providers that have developed such platforms, and a global disability rights organisation. With this, this event was particularly interesting for people and organisations interested in inclusive education, accessible digital tools for people with disabilities, and the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Overview of the event The event began with an introduction by Catherine Lau (Communications Officer at EASPD) and Enrica Chiara Cappadonna (Project and Programme Implementation Coordinator at Controvento Catania). Here, Enrica touched upon how digital and educational inequalities that people with intellectual disabilities (PWIDs) face worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic, spotlighting the lack of accessible digital tools for PWIDs to use for distance learning. Panel 1: Presentation of the ADILE project results After the introduction, it was time for the first panel, which was moderated by Irene Morici (Project Manager and Founder of BASE3). This panel detailed the project results of the ADILE project, with each result being presented by the partner organisation that was responsible for it. First, the ADILE Toolkit – which includes the Training Toolkit and Methodology, Guidelines for Educators, and Toolkit for PWIDs – was explored by Francesca Dadomo (EU Project Manager and Coordinator at IMPULSA IGUALDAD, formerly Predif). Then, the ADILE Educational Online Platform was presented by Elena Volterrani (European Project Assistant and Designer at BASE3). Here, Elena discussed the accessibility standards of ADILE’s platform, including font colour and size, colour contrast, easy-to-read language, and the use of pictograms. The discussion then moved onto the final project result: the ADILE Guidelines, which was explored by Catherine. This section of the panel explored the results and analysis of the ADILE and the subsequent guidelines for the establishment of a European model for accessible distance learning for PWIDs. In short, the national and European recommendations proposed by the ADILE project partners to overcome the main challenges identified from the pilot action were touched upon. Panel 2: Experiences of developing online platforms for persons with intellectual disabilities – co-production, technical approach, and disability rights This was followed by the second panel, which was an interactive discussion focusing on the experiences of developing online platforms for persons with disabilities. Moderated by Catherine, this panel began with Hazel Nicholl (Researcher, Consultant, and Trainer at Instruction & Formation), who touched upon the feedback that was given by the educators and learners with disabilities to improve the platform, as well as their general feedback for making digital education more accessible on a wider scale. Keeping in line with a learner’s perspective of accessible distance learning, the panel moved onto the second set of speakers: Tony Davis (Co-designer and Self-Advocate at Saint John of God Community) and Sarah Boland (Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology Facilitator at Saint John of God Community). They not only addressed the role of co-creation, but also shared their methodology of co-creation and implementing accessibility, specifically when developing online learning platforms. The panel then took a more global approach, with Janina Arsenjeva (e-Learning Content Developer at International Disability Alliance) discussing the process of developing an online course from the ground up, inclusion and accessibility as key objectives, and accessibility from an international viewpoint. Finally, the panel circled back to the ADILE platform, as Luca Pagliaricci (Project Manager and Consultant at BASE3) discussed his experiences of working with a web developer on creating an accessible online platform for people with intellectual disabilities. With this, he also shared what he learnt from that experience about digital accessibility and highlighted technical aspects to keep in mind regarding the accessibility of online tools. Breakout rooms – Exploring online learning platforms for persons with disabilities In the final section of this event, there were three interactive Breakout Rooms taking place simultaneously. Each room focused on a particular theme and was hosted by one person, who presented their work, and answered questions from attendees. One Breakout Room was hosted by Luca. For his session, he demonstrated how the ADILE platform operates from both a learner’s and educator’s position (the user’s end and the backend of the platform, respectively). Another Breakout Room was hosted by Kalianne Farren (e-Learning Officer at EASPD). Here, Kalianne presented EASPD’s Knowledge Hub and explained how the ADILE platform – among other online learning platforms and resources – can be made more available for use. The remaining Breakout Room was hosted by Jesús Puente Belda (Digital Transformation Programme Coordinator at Fundación Juan Ciudad) and Omor Ahmed (Project Officer at EASPD), who presented the RightToConnect e-Learning platform. Key takeaways From the panels and Breakout Rooms, the following key takeaways were gathered: Co-creation is key. Co-creation / -production / -design is one of the most fundamental aspects to implement when developing a platform for persons with disabilities. This enables web developers, service providers, and other relevant actors to create platforms with the invaluable feedback and contribution of people with disabilities and educators within the disability sector. Mainstream accessible online education. Making education accessible in mainstream and formal educational spaces is crucial, in order to support the social inclusion of persons with disabilities.  Give these platforms another life. The presentation of EASPD’s Knowledge Hub was an opportunity to learn how to keep the ADILE platform (among others) alive and to continue developing them, so that they become more accessible and available for those who need it. Make it global. It is important for us to think about accessible distance learning and digital tools within an international context, and not just build frameworks and platforms for European contexts. For example, this could mean having platforms

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ADILE Final multiplier event in Italy

The event, held on 19 December 2023, was totally dedicated to the dissemination of the results of the ADILE project, over the course of an entire afternoon and evening. The event was organised by Cooperativa Controvento, the invitation was extended to all other organisations part of the network, parents and caregivers of PWID that can first benefit from the results of the project. The event started with an opening address to welcome participants and express the gratitude for their attendance. In the opening part of the multiplier event, Angelica Mavica presented the original idea from which the ADILE project was born, highlighting the needs and difficulties encountered by families and especially by PWID during the Covid period. A special focus was done on when and how the distance learning model implemented in that period by the cooperative could be transformed into a common model, shared and sharable by other organisations. Then, a project overview was done and a brief background of the project was provided, as long as its goals and the context in which it operates. To highlight key milestones and the results we used slides in order to make information easily digestible especially concerning the ADILE platform, the element that aroused great interest and involvement from the participants, especially those who had never benefited from distance learning before or have never heard about Erasmus+ projects. We did a trial of how the platform can be accessed and what content is present, navigating live into the platform. I In the final phase, the moderator of the event asked the participants to tell what they thought the follow-up to the ADILE project could be, and the answer that came up most often concerned the possibility of creating live training courses for people with intellectual disabilities especially for those families/ caregivers who cannot physically reach organisations working for and with PWIDs.

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ADILE Final project meeting

Last week the ADILE partners gathered in Brussels for their final transnational project meeting. These two days were about discussing the main achievements and sharing ideas on how to continue the ADILE mission far into the future. During their visit, the ADILE project partners also had the chance to learn more about the social inclusion of people with intellectual disability by visiting La Ferme Nos Pilifs, a local adapted Work Company whose main mission is to integrate people with disabilities into the world of work. Follow us to learn more about the ADILE final events in Italy, Belgium, Ireland, Spain and Poland!    

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ADILE Pilot Action in Italy

The pilot action of the Erasmus+  ADILE project took place in Catania during the  month of April. 25 participants with ID tested the 4 modules within the ADILE platform and it was a stimulating but also challenging learning experience which helped them to strengthen their skills and acquire new ones in various fields such as civic education and digital literacy. The enthusiasm noticed during the PA encourages us to integrate the ADILE platform in our daily activities as well.

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ADILE Pilot Action in Poland

In Radwanowice, at the Brother Albert Foundation, we tested the ADILE platform, which was created for people with intellectual disabilities. We gathered a group of 10 people for this purpose, to whom we presented the project and its assumptions and then the developed modules with exercises. The testing process was different for each participant, as they were at a different level of knowledge and had different learning capabilities. Some went through all the modules very quickly, even in one session, while others had to meet several times and absorb the information calmly and with increased concentration. In the end, each participant completed each of the four modules. Everyone was very satisfied and agreed that the project was well prepared and much needed. The testing of the platform was extremely important and through it we were able to come up with a number of conclusions and analyses. One observation was the language, which for this target group needed to be further simplified and sentences broken down into shorter ones. Next, the number of pictures and graphics proved to be too small, as the participants really liked it when something was illustrated and caught their attention. Most of the participants had no problems using the computers and tablets, while a few needed help, which the educators provided.

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ADILE Pilot Action in Ireland

At the beginning of May, in the town of Wexford, Ireland, the Pilot action testing of the Adile toolkit took place. This was carried out by 11 wonderful students and 4 wonderful educators. The Pilot action testing took place in 3 of the centers around the town, which make up the Windmill Therapeutic training unit, known as Windmill. Windmill provides Day Service supports to adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability. online sale With the support from the 4 educators, the students trialed the toolkit and gave us very productive, insightful, truthful, and extremely helpful feedback. Students and educators agreed with many things while testing this new platform. The educators are looking forward to being able to create their own content and use this platform to deliver lessons on subjects of their choice in the future. We are so thankful and grateful to all of those from Windmill who took part in this Pilot Action. Their insight and feedback has been so helpful and beneficial.  

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ADILE Pilot Action in Spain

Last April PREDIF carried out the pilot action aimed to test the ADILE online training platform. 10 people  with intellectual disability from the Padre Zurita Centre in Alcorcón (Madrid, Spain) tested the platform with the support of 7 educators and support persons who guided them through the learning process when needed. Although the students encountered some difficulties in understanding the functioning of the ADILE platform, individual and personalised attention was sufficient for them to carry out the modules and exercises of the course in a practically autonomous way. This experience has also helped us to realize that the training modules need more pictograms and visual instructions to be more accessible. All in all, we were able to see that online learning platforms, if adapted and presented in accessible language, can be useful for people with intellectual disabilities to be trained. Especially when the person already has previous and basic knowledge of computers, use and navigation of the internet, and so on. Users who are used to using phones, laptops or tablets in their daily life had less difficulty in using the ADILE platform.  

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ADILE transnational project meeting and training in Madrid

From the 18th to the 19th of January Predif hosted the second transnational project meeting to discuss the implementation of the project and the next steps. On the 19th and 20th of January the ADILE project had also its training to enable staff and trainers use and get familiar with the ADILE educational platform addressed to people with intellectual disability. Partners had also a chance to visit the Padre Zurita Centre for people with intellectual and physical disabilities in Alcorcón. A group of students gave us a presentation on the work done by the centre and all activities being carried out. visit our website The next phase of ADILE project will focus on the Pilot Action: in each piloting country (Italy, Spain and Poland) 10 students with intellectual disability and their educators -previously trained on the ADILE platform- will test and review the platform.

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, held every year on the 3rd of December, is a stark reminder of how much work still needs to be done to achieve a truly equitable and accessible society. Key aspects of a quality life – such as participating in cultural practices and employment – remains largely accommodated to the able-bodied and neurotypical. A pillar of this social inclusion and security of persons with disabilities is access to quality education and, crucially, to the necessary technology. For instance, greater attention must be paid to the technological needs of PwID, especially within education. For learning to be democratised, easy-to-read language should be used at a much wider level. To equip PwID with the knowledge and skills that enable them to exercise autonomy and right to self-determination, a standardised distance learning model needs to be put in place. At ADILE, we hope to bring and see concrete changes to the current ableist status quo. We wish to see a future where the International Day of Persons with Disabilities reminds us of how far we’ve come as a society, instead of how much further we have to go. bonuses

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The ADILE Research Report is online!

The document gives an overview on the findings of the desk and field research implemented in partner countries. The target groups of the research phase were the person with intellectual disability (PWIDs), their caregivers and families. The research activities aimed to define an online educational pathway for PWIDs, specifically focused on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities aimed at improving autonomy, in the field of active citizenship, media literacy, democratic values, and exercise of rights. In particular, the research activities are functional to the development of the ADILE Toolkit, an online training course dedicated to PWIDs aimed to improve their understanding of the world around them and increase their autonomy. continued

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